Page 9 - recollections of a life in Porthleven
P. 9

When he used to see me, which was most mornings when there wasn't any
school, he knew what I was there for... a trip out on his boat.

He used to take visitors out mackerel fishing which I found to be great fun.
I would have to ask him the time a few times when we were out at sea He
would shade his eyes with his cap, look at his watch which was pinned inside
his cap and tell the visitors the time! He would tell the visitors it was all to
do with the positioning of the sun or more gulls sitting on the water rather
than flying! Often they would believe him.

Not only did I enjoy my trips out with Joey I also earnt some more pocket
money by gutting the fish for the visitors.

In the afternoons it would be back on the beach again with my mates for
swimming and catching baldrons using limpets as bate on a bent pin tied to
a length of cotton. What ugly fish they were... From the beach I could look
up and see my Gran. She would smile and wave to me. She was a wonderful

Oh I forgot to mention the money from the Corona bottles and gutting fish
would be spent in Oliver's Ice Cream (tin shed) at the top of the beach. Yes
great days. My child good was full of happiness and enjoyment all rolled
into one. But I did have an upset in my life when I was four but it didn't
affect me until my latter years.

Chinking, taking a punt out in the evenings, catching my first lobster and
summers in St Mawes with my Uncle Fred the Ferryman...... Memories of
my young life in Porthleven are priceless and go on and on......
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