Page 9 - Porthleven Town Band
P. 9

Mid 1970’s.

         Back  row  left  to  right  unknown,  unknown,  Jack  Tregembo,

         Margaret Prowse, Penny Miners, Cynthia Pascoe, Paul Seymour,
         unknown, unknown. Centre row left to right unknown, unknown,

         ? Cowls, Deborah Cowls, Shirley ?, unknown, unknown  .Front

         row left to right unknown, Russell Cowls,  Kevin Johns (Garci’s

         son),  Roger  Pearce  (Musical  Director)(Worked  for  Kerrier

         District Council – originally from Manaccan and married Jack

         Pascoe’s daughter), Colin Tregembo (Jack’s son), Roger Trace,

         Lionel Williams.
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